Monday, July 21, 2008


What influence will Tom Golisano have on this year’s Senate race? Well, if money has influence, Golisano will have sway in this year’s election.

Every year, New York seems to inch closer to a democratic controlled Senate. Some people might not like the idea of the three branches controlled by the same party, but we all have diverse opinions on every issue, just like here on Kingston’s Common Council.

Joe Bruno is now gone, but don’t think his influence has dissipated. He still has almost 2 million in his war chest. And much of that will be spent on his endorsed successor, Roy McDonald of Saratoga.

The Republican machine in Albany has been dumping big money into the coffers of key races this year in hopes to stem the inevitable tide of Democratic take-over. The new chief, Dean Skelos of Rockville Centre, who took the departing Joe Bruno's place, is getting a lions share.

Malcolm Smith of New York City, the Senate minority leader, might be the new Senate majority leader this time next year if the Dems pull this one off. Golisano is the key.
Tom, like Elliott, pushed for reform in State government. How campaigns are funded, influence of lobbyists and timely budgets.

Tom has an agenda, and offers funds to those who aspire to help in this radical change. The Millions he plans on dropping on Senate races will greatly increase the viability of any candidate that steps up for his cause.

One key factor is the ridiculous shapes of the legislative districts throughout the state. Have you seen a Senate or Assembly district map? This has got to change. Golisano, with his Independence stripes, will be pushing this issue, and with enough support, might see a difference in how we draw the lines.

I will be working to replace Larkin this year. Larry Delarose is the Democratic candidate from Washingtonville in Orange County. The district includes Kingston, Esopus, Lloyd and Plattekill as well as all of Orange County where both he and Larkin reside.

The shift in leadership in the Senate, falls on the efforts of grass roots campaigns at this level. Members of town and city committees have serious work to do this and every year. No one is expendible and supportive volunteers are needed this fall to make this happen.

Bruno, Skelos and Silver may play games in Albany after the players are picked, but we get to pick the players. We damn well better put some money on some new blood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its going to be tough to beat Larkin, Mike. He may be old and frail, but he's an institution.

The trend toward Democratic demographics is the best hope for his defeat, plus the fact that Larkin can nolonger find his car keys.

The need for a Democrat is stronger than ever with the lack of Pataki and Bruno, so one can only hope.