Thursday, March 06, 2008


Members of our City DPW and Sewer Crew have achieved greatness once again.

Our winter supply of salt has been stored for decades in this old dilapidated wood structure in midtown. The city put money away for the construction of a new salt shed years ago, but merely rolled the funds until this fall.

With most of the money needed waiting in the budget, our Engineers went out for the bid.
Outside contractors bids were over the top, lowest one being about 160K. So, our crews went to work this winter, and thus cost the city less than 90K in labor plus the cost of the materials. Mind you, this wouldnt have gotten off the ground had it not been the tireless effort put in by Engineer Alan Adin and Purchaser Brian Woltman.

I would like to give thanks to the following city employees for a job well done:
Mike Donnelly, Fred Heppner, Manuel Steele, Mike Stoutenburg, Joe Turk, Lou Fabiano, Leroy Washington, Bill Beesmer, Troy Ashdown, Allen Oxendine, Corey Chambers, Mike Litts, Bart Robins, and Mike Williams Jr.

I have no doubt that this structure will out live all of us.


Anonymous said...

Now see, this is the kind of stuff we need to hear about.
An article in the freeman would be a way we could find it out...smitty

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else question whether "less than 90K in materials and labor" is a bargain?

Anonymous said...

What is disappointing is that on Kingston Community Radio today Mayor Sottile singled out Freddy Heppner for doing the work. Its not a surprise that he would not mention folks like Bart Robins. Jim Sottile needs to learn to bury the hatchet and give kudos where it is due. I applaud you Mike for naming everyone involved.

Will you please tell us that money was never bonded for this project? Sottile said that the Council approved a bond for the salt shed. If it was constructed in house it would seem to me that bonding would not be necessary.

Anonymous said...

A fine example of thinking outside the box.

Great job to all involved and a sincere thanks from this taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

since when do we need to praise the employees for doing thier jobs?