Tuesday, May 27, 2008


After a three day holiday weekend, celebrating the memories of our servicemen, most of us begrudgingly go back to work Tuesday.
Most of us go through our days not knowing the struggles of life threatening illness.

Where we take for granted that our jobs are the only hurtle to make ends meet, some of us deal with cancer and the financial means to fight it.

I had the privilege of greeting the American Cancer Bus at the Holiday Inn this Tuesday morning where I rejoined the support membership and signed the petition that’s heading to Washington. Cancer Action Network is sponsoring a coast to coast cruise in the bus to promote awareness of the FDA bottle-neck procedures holding back new revolutionary drugs to help fight cancer.

Traveling across the country, the CAN bus is stopping in hundreds of communities to build the movement to make cancer issues a national priority. It will bring the stories of cancer patients, survivors and friends to the presidential candidates to make cancer a priority issue in their administration.

I have not heard much on the issue during debates or on the campaign trail, so as the primaries wind down and the two remaining candidates battle through the summer, I expect to hear more from both. I, like so many of you, have lost family members to cancer, and we all know several courageous survivors among us.

Notables in the crowd were my friends Shelly Zimbler, Ward Todd and Lew Kirschner.

With Tony Marmo directing this north east district concerning cancer awareness and serving as liason to local government officials, I’m sure we are in good hands.

The RELAY FOR LIFE will occur this weekend at Deitz Stadium in Kingston. Join a team and make strides for a cure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike: Thanks for taking the time to represent the city on this vital health issue. Cancer is now the #1 or #2 killer of our citizens. The American Cancer Relay for Life is the largest fund raiser in the world. The Relay in Kingston is an annual event starting in 1996. This year's theme is Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back. Our entire community is involved. The fact that the ACS Relay has raised in excess of $175,000.00 last year surprised many of our city representatives. Our goal of $200,000.00 should eclipse that record. The American Cancer Bus Can was a great event and welcomed by those survivors and public officials. Again
thank you for your attendance amd your ability to report on this important health issue.
Shelly Z

Remember cancer can be cured with early detection. Please visit your physician. The life you save might just be your own.