Sunday, June 08, 2008


This is going to be fun.

There is a chance this year to unseat Sen Larkin from his long perch in the 39th district. He has had that position since 1990 and I figure, its time for him to retire.

Enter: Lawrence DeLarose of Blooming Grove in Orange County. He initially intended to take on Nancy Calhoun this year but stepped aside to allow a former challenger take her on again.
Larry, (pictured left with Susan Zimet) a financial and insurance consultant and father of two, has attempted to oust opponents through primaries in the past as a fellow Republican, only to be shut out by their conservative war machine.

Changing party affiliation several years ago, he now runs with the endorsement of the Democratic and Working Families Parties in both Orange and Ulster County.

I am expecting a tough fight. Larkin has been in this seat for 18 years as well as in the Assembly for 12 years prior, so he is a household name, but he is older than dirt. At 80 years old, he makes McCain look like a spring chicken and he remembers Lincoln’s administration personally.

In this year of “change” and a shifting demographic in the Hudson Valley, we may have a chance to take the 39th and shift the power away from Joe Bruno.

Wouldn’t that be sweet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, his recent adoption of the Democratic Party wont be an issue in Kingston. Last year's race showed us Kingston's politico's are willing to run Democrats on the Coservative line.

DeLarosa actually has a shot in Kingston and the rest of Orange county.