Wow. We had our first informal budget discussion Wednesday night. Let me tell you, we’ve got some real work ahead.
The Mayor’s budget offering raises the tax levy for residential properties about 8%. Compounded with the Tax Shift we implemented last month, you are looking at a 14% increase if we don’t do something.
This Council is not known for shrugging our duties so you will surely hear all the gory details through the month of November as we gut the services, dismiss personnel and skip a year of new toys.
Our Comptroller, John Tuey, gave us a power point review of how the budget numbers came to be. Our civilian audience of about 20 got a crash course on revenues, bond rates, contract provisions and the restrictions we Aldermen must contend with as we chew on these numbers.
Its just the wrong year to be Alderman.
The Mayor, like every other municipal executive across the country, is faced with a terrible economy, diminished revenues and accelerated debt. I don’t place undue blame on Sottile for these numbers. What I am upset about is the perfect storm of budget increase, inflated assessment and the tax shift all in one cycle.
Our intent is to slice all non-essentials and strip the expenses to their bare minimum operation ability. Leaving some departments thinking of bake sales as a means to bridge any additional expenses.
This isn’t going to be quick and easy. So hold onto your hats!
The Mayor’s budget offering raises the tax levy for residential properties about 8%. Compounded with the Tax Shift we implemented last month, you are looking at a 14% increase if we don’t do something.
This Council is not known for shrugging our duties so you will surely hear all the gory details through the month of November as we gut the services, dismiss personnel and skip a year of new toys.

Its just the wrong year to be Alderman.
The Mayor, like every other municipal executive across the country, is faced with a terrible economy, diminished revenues and accelerated debt. I don’t place undue blame on Sottile for these numbers. What I am upset about is the perfect storm of budget increase, inflated assessment and the tax shift all in one cycle.

This isn’t going to be quick and easy. So hold onto your hats!
Maybe you will have the balls to stand up to Sottile and push back on the Police and Fire Department. You don't have to lay anyone off, cut the budget in other ways. Dick White & T.R. had an old police car, the ones before them had nothing. Cut the leases out on all the cherokee's driving around town and there is a few jobs right there.
Grow a set and stand up to Sottile and his bullying tactics against the CSEA.
how about starting with the mayors take home jeep,he is using it for every other purpose,like the ground breaking in green county.when he should be in kingston working out the details of a lower tax increse.all non essential take home cars should stay in the city and not be taken home to places like highland and abroad.that would be a start,check it all out folks,BEAR MINUMUM.if we have to do it so should the people that are employed by the city,EVERYONE
You should have been keeping expenses down all along.
Mike - you voted for the tax shift, and were well aware of the terrible economy, diminished revenues and accelerated debt when you cast your vote. You knew that the re-val had hit most residents really hard; yet you and your colleagues turned a deaf ear to us. It may be time for the CC to slash and burn - the rest of us have to because of our rising taxes.
the city does not need another ladder truck for the fire department either.
what is a light tower and who needs has requested it and why?
You are the only Alderman with a blog and willing to put your opinions out there.
For that, I thank you. Though sometimes I disagree with you, I appreciate your openness on this site.
This also allows people who are most angry to vent. And who will they vent to? You of course...it's your blog.
Amend the shift and shaft the businesses - Sottile already got campaign money from them.
You cannot reverse the shift. period.
Start at the top, the Mayor and the common council should share part of the blame for this. Cut the Mayors salary $5,000.00 and each common council member $1,000.00. You helped get us in this mess.
Someone asked the question regarding personel:
Will u give Jim Noble, the Mayor to be, - nephew a new full time job? -----
The whole element of personel is on the table and noone is immune from the axe. Part time positions may go away completely.
Why don't you and your fellow Alderman show the public you really care about the budget increase and give up your Alderman Salary and benefits? I have always thought it was silly that Alderman and Legislators are even eleigible for benefits. They are both classified as part time jobs, and as a rule part timers are not eligible for benefits in the public sector, unless they are willing to pay for them. So how about it willing to put your (our) money where your mouth is?
Start with Gorsline the invisable superintendent. He's not around anymore the department is better off without him anyway. It may even help you with the sexual harassment case. You should see the video of the two of them the other night outside Broadway lights diner. You're going to see it in federal court anyway.
Hello 3:27...Aldermen have no benefits.
And that big paycheck you call it...comes to $4/hour so feel free to run for office, if its the money your after, Ive got a suprise for ya.
The 6 alderman who voted for the tax shift made the wrong decision.
It will no doubt cost someone thier house. You should give back part of your salary, because the money is not the reason you ran for office. You ron for office to help the people of this great city. You failed, and because of your failure people will lose there house, there jobs, our children will know be in overcrowded parks.
You have a lot of work ahead of you, be smart, lead by example. If you want the people to do more with less, you should do more with less. YOU DIDN'T TAKE THE JOB FOR THE MONEY SO GIVE IT BACK.
Everyone is blaming Sottile for all the bad decisions that have been hurt most people in Kingston, but remember peolpe that Jim Noble although silent in public,he is behind the scene helping screw us and letting Sottile take the blame.They both have to go to make Kingston a better place.Lets stop thinking the same people are going to give us different results... it's not going to happen,IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE IN KINGSTON.
I'm with you,it's time for a change in Kingston,and that we not forget Nolbe and Sottile are a team,just like T.R.and Sottile were a team, and now they are blaming T.R. for everything when Sottile was right there every step of the way.Please stand with me and not let Noble take over and keep this crap going.They need to stop attempting to tax their way out of the mess they got us in.
Don't alderman get to get their family and friends hired?
I am the only Madsen in Kingston. I have no relatives within the city, so I am outside of what you acusing me of...But thanks for tuning in.
Yes Mike but you have recommmended a few people that have gotten jobs. It's not always family members.
Mike; I disagree with your comments regarding bad time to be an alderman. This is an excellent time. It is a time to show your courage. There are many ways that the budget can be reduced. The reserve fund which should not ordinarily be touched is an area that some funds can be utilized to reduce the tax burden
The budget should be reviewed with a magnifying glass. There are many areas that can be reduced. We have to vigorously attack any aditional hiring. Some of those recent hires have to be reviewed and possibly have their jobs looked at or sadly eliminated. We can not balance the budget on employees by reducing their income. This is done in Private Industry, but I realize that although it can be suggested is not an area that will produce substantial results. We can look to those areas that can be combined. Some employees are retiring and it is these salaries that can be brought back into the budget. As a former banker, there were many times during the past recessions and economic problems that people were promoted, but without financial increases. These dollars can be saved until the economy gets better.
It is a time to review all leases, and maybe to refinance some at the lowest interest rates that we have seen, or to just return the vehicles or equipmemnt that is being leased. Maybe it is time to sell some of our assets. Without being humorous, some of the municalities in the country are selling some assets on Ebay- old computers, tables, automobiles, etc
I realize that the legislation regarding the Homestead business reversal was a political expedient vote, but if you continue to vote against business, the base of our business' and our job base will soon be nil.
There are other areas in the budget that can be fine tuned. The Mayor continues to ask for help in finding these lines, but as elected officials it is your job to accomplish same.
Before I write another book, just a few ideas to consider.
And again, my sincere thanks for the blog on Undaunted Valor.
take care,
Shelly Z
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