Monday, October 27, 2008


With only a week before Election Day, I can tell you, the masses have awakened. There is a buzz throughout the Hudson Valley that something just short of a movement is about to sweep through every level of government.

Do I dare say a progressive movement?

I had the pleasure of spending time with both Congressmen John Hall and Maurice Hinchey this Sunday.

Hall was the guest speaker at the Monroe Committee fundraiser for Larry Delarose. He spoke at great lengths about the financial crisis they are dealing with in DC as well as the need to have a more responsive advocate for the well being of the 39th district when he calls for help in Orange County.

He reminded everyone just how much of a hassle it is to connect with our incumbent when immediate issues arise. He expects to work much better with Delarose.

Maurice was the guest speaker at the Stoutridge Winery in Marlboro, raising funds for Frank Skartados for his race for Assembly.

Marlborough has closed the registration gap between the two parties. No longer the republican stronghold that it once was, this town is now back in play for either campaign.

The recent surge in voter registration in both Kingston and Newburgh, have the opposition scared enough to drive through a number of towns and steal Obama, Delarose and Hinchey signs from roadsides and even some front lawns. We’ve never seen this at such a rate before. Someone is truly nervous.

I rounded out the evening clearing out blocked storm drains in the neighborhood. It really was a well rounded day.


Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you got to have audience with both a "yes" vote and a "no" vote congressman for the corporate socialist bailout.

Im sure they both had their reasons and they do well in their respective districts, but what did either of them have to say about their choice? If at all.


Anonymous said...

TLB; You couldnt be more right when you say socialist corporate bail-out. That is one bill our kids and grand kids will deal with for decades, and to what result? Zilch! The market and banking industry continue to dive for the depths that they should have all along.

Now we find out that some of the CEOs got their bonusses and "Golden Parachute" deals anyway? Wasnt that the deal? no gifts for the crooks?

We are going to pay big time people! No matter what Hall, Hinchey or Oprah say or do. Our local representatives will bear the brunt of our anger as we face tax hikes across the state. They better have some tough skin, thats all I can say.

Anonymous said...

This was a Republican bailout. Hinchey voted against it.