Thursday, October 02, 2008


There is no end in sight, when it comes to maintaining our city streets. Our DPW road repair crew are always right there when you need em.

Right now, you’ll find a big hole in O’Neil Street near the Boice’s Dairy in midtown.

Why would they want to cut open that newly paved street after all the expense invested after the sewer collapse? Well, the efforts by the private contractor fell short in that measures to join the new and older systems couldn’t handle the flow.

With Deputy Superintendent Boyle managing the operations, we know the job will get done and the residents in Ward 2 can worry less about their basements tonight.

You will also notice the terrific street repair on Levan St, where a local contractor had left a rough attempt of his own street surfacing. After cutting the macadam in proper straight lines, the crew left this Ward 9 neighborhood with a better suited repair.

Thanks guys. These may be the hot spots I saw this week, but I know you’re out there everyday.


Anonymous said...

The temporary repair on Levan was showing it's age. The patch was settling and my car was taking the brunt of the abuse for a while now. What took so long?

Anonymous said...

You will notice that these guys do their work without leaving early or whining about the weather.

Anonymous said...

I've had dealing with Ed Boyle and he is an outstanding man and very knowedgable with how the city works. Get rid of Gorsline and put him in as Superintendent.

Anonymous said...

I believe Mr. Boyle will get the work done. He is an unright guy and the men working with him are the best. They take pride in the work that they do. Each one of them, we the taxpayers say THANK YOU for working hard and not whining about it to anyone.

Anonymous said...

Right on, Mike!

The DPW folks are courteous and professional. I have had DPW employees such as Danny Williams of the water department give advice on my antiquated water service.

All DPW employees deserve our thanks--they fix the roads, maintain our water/sewer service, pick up the trash, and keep our city's infrastructure running.


Mike Madsen said...

Someone asked the question: "Can they repair City Hall steps - or will it be another pet engineer and contractor doing it?"

Answer is: the repair has to be made within the historic specs and be put out to bid like any other project. Our purchasing agent wouldnt stand for any shenagans while he is on the job.

Anonymous said...

Thanks DPW, and Thanks Mike!!!

There are more than enough Blogs that play up to the payload of negativity on the local and national scene.

Thanks for showing some of the many Public Servants who do their jobs quietly and deserve the respect and gratitude of the community...smitty

Anonymous said...

I met Ed Boyle one time with the Code Enforcement Officer Jean Edward and I think the DPW has a hell of a crew now. Caring, understanding and wanting to get the job done is what these two people are about. I am happy we are seeing more good people being reconized for the work that is being done now , then what I have beem reading the past few months.