Monday night, UC Legislator Peter Laughran, D Kingston, formally asked the Kingston City Committee to consider endorsing him for Democratic Elections Commissioner.
Members of the Committee say they have gotten mixed messages as to John's intentions this fall. Cosidering the rumored 5 or 6 others who may announce their candidacy for the same position, the Committee decided to wait to endorse anyone until Septembers meeting.
Peter made it clear that after a long introspective search, he is determined to run for the position regardlass of John's intentions. Peter has served on the Common Council as well as the Ulster County Legislature for decades, and has sought the DEC position over 20 years ago.
The position opens after this fall and is currently held by UC Democratic Chairman, John Parete.

Best of luck Peter. You are qualified and respected, but the field of contenders will make any campaign tough, and there are so many town boards to convince.
Whether the seat is open or not may depend on the ethics ruling on the Legislature. Parete may have to chose which hat fits best.
Political Insider Gang Member
What makes lourgan qualified? lets see his resume. does he still live with his mother? failure with peachtree rest, in the City of Kingston, let go from kingston housing authority. we want to know what he has done professional for the past 20 years
i wouldnt send him to the corner for milk let alone let him run the boe. he is barely coherent.
He's a PIGMY (Political Insider Gang Member Yokel)
It took a long time to put that together.
He has 2 bachelors and a masters degree, that's what he told the Kingston committee. Yet, he is unemployed. Something doesn't add up there. And, he is still living with Mommy. No wonder he wants this job, he can't get any other. If the democrats let this guy in, it would be a disgrace. He is no fighter, this job requires a fighter not someone who walks through life half asleep like Loughran does.
The list of candidates has grown since this post. The committee was right not to endorse anyone until the 8 candidates got to make their pitch county wide.
Nick Woerner has since pulled out of that race. But others are lining up as I type. Stand by.
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