George and Nancy Donskoj have done it again.
Since 1994, the resurgence of the ARTS community in the Kingston area has prompted and supported the Soap Box Derby in downtown Kingston.
Since 1994, the resurgence of the ARTS community in the Kingston area has prompted and supported the Soap Box Derby in downtown Kingston.

With strong support from then Mayor Gallo, the Derby became a success and has grown into a major weekend attraction, drawing an audience from as far as New York City, Connecticut and Albany.

Over the last few years, there have been more youthful contestants entered in the derby. They all capture the imagination and with an early exposure to the arts, some of these youngins may study art in school with a greater sense of what’s possible.

As tough as it is to find parking in the Rondout during the bigger events, the trek on-foot is well worth it. And yes, this is also an opportunity for candidates to shake hands with the crowds.
Kevin Cahill was with his entourage and Brian Cahill was watching the band.
The beautiful day was not restricted to just Democrats; Len Bernardo was joined at the hip with Glen Noonan but no sign of Quigley. I hear he doesn’t care for crowds.
Quiggy isnt one for speaking to people in such a setting. The more people meet him, the less likely he gets their vote, so youre right about the crowd thing.
Regardless of him being wrong for the job, I feel bad that he is forced to work with people outside of his comfort zone. That is the nature of politics. Either it seems natural, or you fail.
"Kevin Cahill was with his entourage."
That's probably a good choice of words. Cahill fancies himself a big shot.
What he is is a snake. Don't get too close.
Every year the crowd gets bigger, its almost too big.
The carts they build ate a sight though. I hate to miss the Derby.
The local papers got some good pictures too. I bet the Kingston Times will have a better spread than the Freeman.
But make the comparison to chaos of the Hoolie. Thats a drunkin brawl waiting to happen. The Soapbox Derby is so much nicer for the whole family.
The Freeman had almost all of the front page with color pictures.
Kevin Cahill was with his family and some fiends, not unlike almost everyone there. Kevin's support for the Arts is unparalleled in Ulster County. No one has done more for the Arts than Kevin, and I know I appreciate it.
Which of Kevin's families was he with - no matter - he works hard for taxpayers - it's a shame he wasn't able to be our First County Executive. Cahill seems like an independent thinker, not a Good Old Boy like Hein quickly became. But what did you expect of Hein - he was brought in to politics by Kirschner and Spada?
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