Today, you can see the display of several classic firetrucks and aparatus on Fair St in uptown Kingston.

I know, with Larry having numerous Firefighter friends in the mid-Orange County area, that he would enjoy the trucks and museum on this terrific Saturday in Kingston. We both chatted up a storm with the museum staff and the firefighters, but getting a close look at those older trucks always gets my attention.
I guess, with weather as nice as we've had lately, the question I have to ask is...
Did you and your family get out of the house today?
Do you think if KAPA kept a museum of older TV sets, we could get some funding from the city???smitty
You are a smarty-pants. Lets start collecting old TV sets, and studio equipment and store them in a basement setting, and then randomly use them for local live programs, then...ooops, were doing that now.
Seriously, there is a museum for NEWS and TV studios called the NEWSeum. I think its in Albany or here in the north-east somewhere. I'll look it up.
AS far as funding goes, lets see what the Council says after Novembers election when I know who to pester for local and state funding. Nice comment tho.
Im glad to see something for kids in Kingston. The parks are always availible and the nature center is a good diversion, but the events like this one, make the city a community. I like meeting the volunteers and seeing the old trucks.
My son got to sit in the driver seat of a fire truck and it made me as excited as he was. I didnt get pictures, so forgive me for stealing one from your site.
Nice to see this post.
Just think - Sottile and his election helpers have diminished and squashed volunteer participation so the Paid Dept has a monopoly. Their have been volunteers who have trained and remained active for over 20 years - not one thank you from anyone.
Instead - Jimbo thanks the Bruderhof for doing planters - the City pays them and they pay no taxes.
What a dope!
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