Saturday, August 23, 2008


Joe will be an excellent VP and perhaps President in the future. Lets see how this news is received with the Obama supporters. I may actually vote for the top ticket after all.


Anonymous said...

Waste your vote. Should have picked Hillary, it was the dems only chance. We will be stuck now with 4 more years of Bush

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you were going to skip the choices for top office this year. You're not drinking the kool-aid like the rest of them?
And what does Biden as VP do to bring you back in?

Anonymous said...

Should have been Hillary. I agree with 6:17. That was Barack's best chance at winning. This guy brings nothing to the ticket but baggage.

Anonymous said...

Baggage!! Hey 6:17 and 1:37 Hillary has enough baggage to sink the Titanic. Biden is a great choice, get with the program or we'll all be screwed.

Anonymous said...


There are some new polls up - one regarding Obama's running mate pick and one involving KAPA [along with a whole lot more...] over on my blog @

Hope you can participate!


N.S. / Phoenix

Anonymous said...

You mentioned on the radio today that the team couldhave been Hillary/Biden just as easily as Obama/Biden.

You are right, however, the difference is with Obama/Biden, we thankfully get President McCain.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just voted in a straw poll on AOL. Asked who you would vote for President. I voted McCain.
Guess what...the results were McCain winning with 66%. What do you think that means?

When the actual votes are anonomous in a voting booth, the real opinion comes out.

Mr. Meyer said...

"Baggage!! Hey 6:17 and 1:37 Hillary has enough baggage to sink the Titanic. Biden is a great choice, get with the program or we'll all be screwed."

Sure Hillary brings a lot of baggage with her but she also brings something else that might have enhanced the Democrat ticket...the name CLINTON!