First, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the literally hundreds of residents of the 39th district who have spoken with me personally on the campaign trail, e-mailed me or called me on the phone to express their views.
It has been an honor and a privilege for me to talk with you.
As we approach Election Day, let me ask each voter in the 39th State Senate district to take a moment of your time to think about what you want to see changed for the better in New York State.
Whether it is lower property taxes, more affordable health care for everyone, or equal rights for all our citizens, you have the power on November 4th to make changes happen.
If you give me the opportunity to represent you in Albany for the next two years, I can promise you that I will work tirelessly to help you achieve a better lifestyle for you and your families.
Together we can accomplish anything and no goal is out of reach. I need your help and your vote on Election Day to begin our journey together toward a brighter future for all of us and for our children and grandchildren. Thank you.
Together we can accomplish anything and no goal is out of reach. I need your help and your vote on Election Day to begin our journey together toward a brighter future for all of us and for our children and grandchildren. Thank you.
If there was ever a year that Democrats could send Larkin home, it's tis year.
With the Obama tsunami about to hit the Republicans in the face, Delarose may be our next State Senator.
What are your plans if he wins?
The 39th Senate district includes Kingston. We dont get the attention we should from Larkin.
With a Democratic controlled Senate, we will be even more marginalized with Larking there.
Delarose would be change, but he would also be with the party in power. He's got my vote.
Hey, I saw you at the Obama rally in Newburgh. Nice turnout on a beautiful day. I think were all going to do just fine Tuesday.
Let me throw this at you, I think the gushing endorsement of Obama in the Freeman today will have backlash affect on the other local candidates.
Larkin has been around for decades and his name recognition will help him. These new registrants wont show up to the polls like they expect and the local GOP will hang on.
Larry's low key campaign and the steady support of Larkin from Sottile, Spada, Oliveri and people like them from here to Newburgh will keep Larkin in office.
Nice try Larry.
I think the Obama tsunami will even sweep Auerbach into office, Larry has my vote and I expect him to win.
Larkin is 80+ and needs a driver at this point. know when to move on Bill!
Just to let you know, your point about Bill needing a driver, He showed up at the Monroe commuter bus terminal at 6:15 Wednesday morning and was dropped off by a Town of Cornwall pick-up with a town employee driving. Not good.
I hate to say it - Larkin looks like crap but this guy looks worse.
One of our favorite sayings in this business is "Politics is showbusiness for ugly people"
I am nothng to look at either.
But I do my job.
Thanks for tuning in.
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