It seems so long ago, that we were discussing the inevitable 15% increase in residential property taxes here in Kingston. That, coupled with the skewed Reval, would have sent our taxpayers to the streets with burning brooms and pitch forks. I wouldn’t blame them.
(Sue Cahill pictured right)
Reality is quite different. The Council, after repealing the tax burden shift from October, got the proposed increase down to 9% where, after weeks of blood letting, I believe we got the increase down to 3.8% for residential. Unreal!

(Joan from Registrar at left)
Monday night we had the department heads of the offices in City Hall take turns in the “Hot Seat” where we managed to squeeze another chunk out their budgets for 2009.

(Mike Cook from Corp Counsel)
With some fee increases here and spending cuts there, we trimmed enough to diminish the pain infliction scheduled for January. Remember, we eliminated jobs, trimmed some to part-time, and cut programs and capital improvements. No more special events, bands in the park, trips to the Garlic Festival or New Years Eve parties.

(Kathy Janeczek City Clerk)
Throw in about 280K stolen from the City’s Fund Balance, and presto…3.8% increase.

(Tawana Washington in Human Rights)
An added note: To get a better handle on the overtime issue, we are placing a heap of overtime from Police and Fire into the contingency account, so that if and when the funds are needs, we will have the opportunity to question the reason before giving any money.
An added note: To get a better handle on the overtime issue, we are placing a heap of overtime from Police and Fire into the contingency account, so that if and when the funds are needs, we will have the opportunity to question the reason before giving any money.
Presto by using the fund balance? So have the new positions proposed been cut? What are you going to do next year presto again and the fund balance?
Under 4%, I am shocked. We started out with a 15% hike only 3 months ago, my home was over assessed and the sewer rate went up. I expected to have to move soon, but who would buy with a rate hike that profound?
Thanks for doing what you did. All of you. What happened here in Kingston should be repeated in Albany like your last post pointed out.
Will New Years eve still be at the Midtown Center this year?
One: There were cries across the City to use 900K or more from the fund balance. We didnt.
Two: The Mayors request for new positions...gone. No new hires and a freeze on any positions that open up through the year.
Three: With the decrease in special events, there is less need for police and DPW overtime on the streets. Plus, we put a significant amount of "overtime" where we can keep an eye on it.
In addition, we looked at transfer history records to see where the line items are tapped every year for those end of year transfers. They are slashed. Even the bonding is down to a minimum. This no frills budget will make Kingston less festive, but financially secure.
Those who still have jobs should be thankful, for tougher times are coming.
You be thankful if jim nobles nephew have a full time job. The extra position in the bus department is there. So stop telling fibs.
Not one of the people in your pictures looks happy. Just as it should be. Good job.
Will the Mayor VETO the Council's budget? do you have the votes to override him if he does?
If not, then all this work was for nothing and we are saddled with the 9% increase anyway. You guys better have your shit together come Council night.
What about the code enforcement postion. It going to look like retaliation for that move. One year ago there was enough work for two full time code enforcement officer's. Now after a lawsuit is filed all of a sudden we are getting rid of one full time position and making the other part time. Think about this, if you were a juror on the sexual harassment case and the person who filed the suit is made part time, she will probably own the city after that move.
The City Bus position was recommended by the FTA. This position is 80% federally funded and would save the City only about $10,000 if eliminated. With the elimination of the senior clerk position in the Rec. Department, the CSEA bumping rules would allow Marianne Syzmanski (if she chooses not to retire) to bump Edna Williams from the Comptrollers Office, who in turn would move to the newly created position at Citibus. If the new Citibus position is eliminated, Edna would bump Barbara Thomas from her job at Citibus. Thus, although this is a “vacant” position per se, the elimination of the new position at Citibus would open the door for a current full time employee to lose their job at a savings of only $10,000, and would also risk our future compliance with FTA regulations.
Now there is some doubletalk
Why was the Deputy Chief position not eliminated after LeFevre retires?
hey 4:58, did you not see my comment on hiring freeze? We expect LeFevre's position to open up this year, and when that happens it will remain open.
There will be no open positions filled without petitioning the Council. Im sure you still think thats doublespeak.
Thanks for stopping in.
Considering what you have achieved during the budget process during the worst economic downturn weve seen in decades, I would expect more congratulatory comments than what I see here.
What kind of readership do you have and is it worth keeping this stream of open blogging worth it?
I dont know how you do it.
What about Steve Noble's position? You have enough money to make him full time and cut a rec leader position. Isn't that what you did last year so his wife could have a full time job. As for the bus postion, how long is that 80% good for. Like all grants it runs out then the taxpayers of kingston have to fund it.
Code enforcement going part time is a joke. There is so much untappen revenue in code enforcement to pay for that position, and it doesn't cost tax payers a dime.
Happy Thanksgiving Mike and remember your vote Tuesday night to take away a cancer survivers medical insurance, because the mayor doesn't like her.
Mike if you think for one minute that you are going to stop the filling of that deputy chief position your crazy. Salzman does whatever he pleases and the coucil cannot stop him.
I like the overtime solution, so when my house is on fire and they need overtime to put it out are you going to convene a meeting to authorize it.
Once again, I have to say, providing this blog with an anonymous option lets all the unstable readers an option to rant. I guess you like the crap they say about you.
Having it remain open does not cut the budget. You have to eliminate it or funding is left in the budget which has to be covered by taxes.
Mr. Madsen
I only feel compel to write to you because I am very clost to
one of the woman in the DPW. I watched this go on from the begining. I am in shocked on the way the council has handled this from the begining. Its really not about saving jobs at this point as it is about the hurt that not only the people of the city feel, but the woman themselfs. As far as I can see you have three woman the show up for work each day and give a honest day's work. I see that alot in the DPW. Anyway they see problems that needed to be addressed. Lets just say the city fell short of the things that needed to be adressed. Why are they the bad people now? Sure there are things that we all do in someone elses eyes thats not right. But there are pictures of breast, dirty tapes, holes in doors, and different things like that. No matter what these things do not belong in the work area. Its a Federal law, a law, so they win on that alone. The other things maybe not. Why are we not telling the mayor to stop, or are we helping the mayor go under? This is what is on my mind. What will happen to the woman after this is all over. They will still be in kingston working and nothing changes. Why are we spending so much money on this when they just wanted change and the city to address these areas.
Thank you
Is there money anywhere for the possible guilty verdict on the DPW sexual harassment lawsuit - even in the "contingency" line? ...and its not there with common council members saying that the city is at fault. Rather it is there for proper planning.
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