Wednesday, December 03, 2008


WOW, What have I done?

The Council had the whole 2009 Budget intact and ready to go.

But like I said in a prior post, I was uncomfortable with the method we used to balance the budget. Always taking from the Departments of least resistance.

Well, To expedite the Budget vote, we used the form of "Long Roll" which calls on each Alderman once for a one time speach. The eight of my colleagues got to say their piece before getting to me, all voicing their heavy heart as we offered pink slips to some key personnel, but then I had to stand up and make the last comment.

We used to have two people working in the Refuse Code Enforcement. One full and one part.

When our Full timer resigned, our part timer went full and was saddled with the task of ticketing the property owners and educating those who repeat offenses. Not easy, considering the job was once a burden for two people.

This position was reduced to Part time. Why did this frustrate me? Because I am what the DPW staff calls Mr Clean, and its not because of my shaved head. I want more Code Enforcement not less. As many of you know, I just cant help cleaning wierd remote spots around the city. Although, its a compultion I should really get professional help for, it comforts me to know there is someone on the payroll doing the same task.

I unexpectedly got a "second" from Alderman Hoffay, to my motion to reinstate the position and then all hell broke loose. Thankfully, the City taxpayers will ONLY see an increase of 3.5 for residents. only up .02 from Monday nights Caucus estimate. Thank you John Tuey for having those numbers ready for me.

The job of Code Enforcement brings in more than twice the cost in fines and diminished tipping fees at UCRRA. I did what I felt I had to do.

(Some of us ended up at FLOW Lounge after the meeting, and yes, Blaber is 21.)


Richard T. Cahill Jr. said...

I want to give you some public credit, Mike. Thank you for making the motion to save Ms. Edwards' and Ms. Sills' job. You were the only one willing to do that and I give you credit for it.

I just hope Sottile doesn't strike back at you for scuttling his deal with Hoffay.

Either way, kudos to you, Mike.

Anonymous said...

That was very couragous of you to stand up for what you believe in. The city is lucky to have someone who can look at the whole picture. Cutting a code enforcement position would decrease revenue. Jeanne Edwards is worth her weight in gold. If the Mayor takes the riens off her and lets her enforce all of the code she will easily triple her own salary with the benefit package.

Thanks Mike for doing the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Refuse Code Enforcement. I can envision it now:
"Sir, have you ever been convicted of a crime or a tort?" (interviewee:)"Uh...well...uh, yes, I didn't put my trash out to the street properly once."
(Interviewer:) "Oh well then, we can't hire you here. I'm very sorry but rules are rules!!"
What a bunch of......ahhhh.....gar-Bahhhhjjjj.

Mike Madsen said...

Hoffay claims there was no deal, and he did second my motion to bring the code officer back.

FYI: FLOW attendees were myself, Reynolds, Noble and Blaber with a quick visit from John Tuey and Toni Roser.

The place is small, funky, cool tunes on juke and centrally located. I like it. See ya'll there!

Anonymous said...

You took $300,000 from the fund balance which equals approximately 3% off of the proposed 8.23%. Now the UAW is open to contract changes, so why can't all city unions be open to contract changes as in 2010 good luck with your budget as you will use more of the fund balance in 2009.

Anonymous said...

You cut the tax levy to a respectable percentage and helped saved some local families some real hardship. I'll gladly pay my $40 next year to keep those jobs intact. Great decision - don't be afraid to think of the impact on the little people when you make these budget cuts.

Thanks Mike and Company.

Maybe we can stockpile some .25 cent pens for upper

Anonymous said...

Mike, without proof of certain accusations regarding administration insiders and councilmen, I dont think Cahill should be spouting these accusations at anyone. Maybe some of the comments could be a little more thought out before sending them to the readers.

Anonymous said...

The issue of Overtime isnt going away. Please be reminded that the new mode of operation for the comming year is to modify the budget through the year, thus eliminating the two month budget crunch that you guys suffer with each fall. Teetsel and Landi are right to pursue the workings of the departments as they function. Lets stick to this one.

Anonymous said...

i cant believe that you aldermen allow jeremy blaber to converse with you folks.will you all be arround when he is taken to court for the second time for not paying his bill at a local busisness,to the tune of 4000.00.or maybe you all are condoning it that that is another accecptable behaviour that all that part in .looks like he is haveing a good time.if he has money to drink at a bar he should pay his bill at other local busisnesses.the busisness he ripped off couldnt pay their sales tax to the state because he is withholding it.and all of you are drinking it up with him so the next time you want to raise property taxes REMEMBER what a good time you all had . because you all are partaking in hurting a local busisness financially.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor has vetoed the budget so now what?

Anonymous said...

Veto the Mayor had to do that. What is wrong with this man. Does anyone else see this. The Alderman and woman work real hard to keep it under 4% and look what the Mayor does. Don't blame them BLAME THE MAYOR. DOES HE LIVE IN KINGSTON. WHAT IS UP WITH THIS MAN. HE NEEDS TO BE TESTED FOR DRUGS. Mike you guys did good. Over ride this money man and keep going. Keep it at 3.91%. Thank you for working so hard all of you. Sorry your man does not think so but us taxpayer know how hard you worked.