Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bill Maher on the Founding Fathers


Anonymous said...

Very Funny. I guess if you include you and I Bill Maher's viewer-ship is up to about 15. Damn Keith Obermann is beat again.

Hey Mike, Do you know why Liberals are Pro-Abortion?

Because they can't stand the thought of crying babies drowning out their own whining and crying.

Anonymous said...

Bill Maher knows what a teabagger is, he just doesn't know what a Tea Party member is.

Anonymous said...

I got to see Bill at UPAC last year. A terrific sold out show. No one there liked it, they were too busy laughing, clapping and agreeing with him. Bill uses sharp humor to point out the absurdities in today's political world. It's also good to laugh at ourselves in the process.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me.

Anonymous said...

"It's cool to own slaves. It's in there, folks, I didn't make it up."
[Truth: Yes he did. Cite where it's in there-never teaches any such thing, it narrates life which has included it. Nice counter-stereotyping, but it also goes beyond the real and beyond the reasonable]. Playing off a stereotype leaves reality in the dust. Denial when a joke bombs isn't the epitome of humility or even "class." Johnny Carson had that. Bill Mahar doesn't appear to have it.
Nice entertainment, good technique. Very funny and entertaining. It shows off the skill of an obviously brilliant comedian.
On reflection--which no comedian wants lest his flaws are examined--it is said the modus operandi of Satan is a clever mixing of truth and error(mostly true with a few well-placed whoppers), which is what Maher does here and per usual for his comedy. "I hate to break that to ya, uh, Bill...and I know you'd come up with a clever comeback to that if given the chance..." The Romans entertained themselves too while the Empire burned and corruption overtook the entire rotting conquering and once invincible power. While Nero(played here conveniently by Bill Mahar) fiddles away with playing fast and loose with a few whoppers, Senator Flavius(played conveniently by Martin Short)plays his yes man and won't for the life of him challenge the whopper he tells lest Flavius not get invited back on the show of "Nero" if he dared.
Johnny Carson at least would have had more restraint--and when a joke bombed, wouldn't start to blame the audience(instead he'd strike up the band and do a little dance or something). One wonders just how large Maher's ego actually is since this shows this isn't what he does in such a situation. Makes you pine for the good ol' days of comedy, which George Carlin(the one who honed being basher of religion before Maher was a gleam in his father's eyes), referred to as the era "when botulism was a sauce."
So why should anyone take it uhum..."SERIOUSLY??!!" I mean, yes, he could outhumor any county legislator that ever lived in fact, but beyond that obviously missed opportunity last year...what IS the point??

Anonymous said...

Freeman censorship at its best once again, the missed post the "Fussyfeld Crowd" nixed:
(on response to the headline "City Alderman Won't Run From Mayor", which they refuse to post lest it embarrass themselves as much as they truly need to experience as a newspaper)
"First Mike Madsen's piece showing a video of Bill Maher, and now this hilarious headline.
This has inspired me to announce that I too, am not running from the Mayor--neither am I running over the Mayor, as Mr. Kirby so strongly suggested last year.
Guess this means that politically I'm a centrist. LOL "
The Freemanites, you see(especially Kirby and whoever oversees and supports his slash and burn methodology), may in fact have bigger egos than Bill Maher!! NO sense of humor, Mr. "Kerrrrrrrrrbeeeeeeee"!!
Just wanted to "Make a preposition no one(except the Freeman) should refuse."(Yes, the meaning of the thing hinges, once again, on only one letter!!)