Without argument, my Republican colleagues admit this is a perfect opportunity to whittle away some of what they see as prohibitors of growth. Of course this would be their perspective or they wouldn't be Republicans and since I don't know about their homelife growing up, I wont cast judgement.
What has transpired though, is the "I've had enough!" syndrome in a state that is known as the birthplace of modern worker's rights. The unions confronted with massive layoffs, gave Governor Scott what he wanted in the way of concessions. Enough to close the financial gap that he caused by slashing taxes for his top corporate donors. At the behest of those donors, he went further. Crafting a bill that would basically strip his bargaining partners of their ability to negotiate.
A line in a NYT article went: Republican talk of balancing budgets is cover for the real purpose of gutting the political force of middle-class state workers, who are steady supporters of Democrats and pose a threat to a growing conservative agenda. Once the connection to the Koch Brothers was revealed, I just laughed and thought how did they not see this coming?
In Ohio, Indiana and Florida, we see the GOP leadership having second thoughts as we head into week three of the Wisconsin protest; Urging fellow Republicans to drop it because it could interfere with other items on their agendas.
The same article went on: Conservative leaders in most states with strong unions have in the past generally made accommodations with organized labor, often winning support on social issues in return. That changed this year after wealthy conservatives poured tens of millions of dollars into the election campaigns of hard-right candidates like Kasich and Walker.
The billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, who have long been staunch union opponents, were among the biggest contributors to Mr. Walker.
The Republicans’ claim to be acting on behalf of taxpayers is not believable.
See Circuit Breaker alternative.
Getting back to Wisconsin: Union leaders agreed to concessions requested by Walker. Paying nearly 6 percent of their wages for pension costs, and double payments for health insurance. At that point, most governors would declare victory and move on. Instead, Walker has rejected concessions and won’t even negotiate. His true priority is stripping workers of collective-bargaining rights and reducing their unions to a shell.
If you want to know how that's working for him, simply turn on CNN.
Come on, Mike. You have to admit that the state(NY) unions are taking us tax payers to the cleaners with the pension & health care costs. It has to start somewhere. By the way... what the Wisconsin democrats are doing is unprofessional. They are still getting paid while they are in exile?? That is not fair to all of the taxpayers in that state. It has the mentality of childs play in the sandbox. "I am going to take my toys home if you won't play with me!!!"
The press is only giving the Unions press time. How about asking the rest of the residents of Wisconsin how they feel about the "Union" uprising. You might be surprised of how they are disgusted with the antics of the Unions and their democratic Representatives.
Are the Democratic actions even legal as to government regulations?I would be real curious of how that type of action would go over here in NYS.
Help me make sure I have this straight.
Fred Wadnola goes to Florida causing there to be one less useless vote in the UC Legislature = BAD
Wis. Democrats flee the state in a coordinated effort to shutdown government = GOOD
Well that makes sense.
Mike, do not drink the kool aide, the graduation rate for white kids is 45% and black kids is only 35% and the union is giving the teachers 100k with benefits and only working 180 days/yr. The unions are very important but it has gone too far. The unions do not care about the actual people paying their salieries and bloted union leaders saleries. The system is broken with the unions own the Dem's and the "working People " are paying the price.
Time to make changes in the public sector, we are done paying high wages and getting poor performance.
Ok let me get this right. We want to cut teachers salaries and benefits so only the stupid will become teachers?
Wilson says he will take a baseball bat to anyone who disagrees with him. Some leader.
Want lower health insurance costs? Go after the insurance companies. I do not believe that insurance companies are union. Yet they increase their rates 10 times that of inflation.
Cut taxes for people making 500k a year and go after the little guy. Average CSEA pension is $14,000.00 a year.
Average DPW workers Salary is less than $40,000.00 a year.
Average Police and Fireman salary with overtime and benefits is $113,000.00.
Well, the GOP has guaranteed that no union member will ever vote for them again. Apparently, they think it doesn't matter, but it does as they have had union members voting for them in the past. And to think, they've made such inroads in recent years.
You get what you deserve... allot of these people voted against their best interests for these republicans and now they have to live with those votes. Maybe the middle class will come to their senses and realize that the Republicans don't represent them or the majority of the citizens....If not, they will continue to be second class citizens to the rich.
And now the Fascists in Wisconsin have sent their jackboots out to round up their political enemies so that they can bust up the unions. And really, if there ever was a time for WW2 comparisons this would be it, and I think the cons faulty slurs of the same were designed to pre-empt the truth. That's the first thing Hitler did was kill the socialists and break the unions. What have the cons been screaming for the last 2+ years again? Oh, that's right, kill the socialists (reload don't retreat) and break the unions.
How can 14% of the workforce create such a problem?
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