I had the distinct joy of visiting the city of Newburgh a few days ago to help my brother. I walked around the lower Broadway area by their DMV building in the safety of daylight. The Newburgh Council is laying off dozens of police officers in a town over-run with crime and gang violence. It doesn't make sense.

The Freeman notes: Sottile and the union have been in talks to avoid the job cuts, but so far, the issue remains unresolved. Officers in vehicles patrolling the streets is my main concern. That is where I will engage the department.
The proposed 2010 City budget will be the subject of a public hearing November 5th in the main chambers of City Hall.

The assesment rate and the tax increase kick in at the same time. A 10% increase on property that is 8% lower in assessed value results in a fraction of what the initial increase in payout to the taxpayer as reported by the papers.
As promised, I will continue to pass along the details of what the council discusses. On a different note: the national unemployment rate (according to the benefit applications) is just under 10% but with a slight drop in continued collections. Odd.
you will need more cops on the job if you cut the rec dept jobs because you will have a few thousand children out there with nothing to do this is not the way to go the rec effects everyone in the city from 1-100 use your heads because the rec is a easy target that does mean they should be shot at every time better think what will happen if you cut the rec save the children the adult and senior way of life dont destroy our city
Looks as if Reynolds is a little taken back by all the cops in the room.
Actually, no one likes it when I aim this iPhone at them during meetings. They know there's a chance that they'll be a feature on the Blog. Bingo! There's Bill.
To think, the pictures in City Hall will cease come January.
Maybe a good thing.
The fire dept. is sacrosanct though due to political patronage. KFD should be renamed Tammany Hall and all firehouses be renamed (eg, "Frog Alley TammnyHouse", "East O'Reilly TammanyHouse", "Garraghan Drive TammanyHouse", etc).Mayor Sottile should be renamed "Captain Hook" and wear a suitable patch over his eye(and not just for Halloween--and just think, he can't throw any mixed drinks with very good aim with the hook arm). DPW and Police just don't cut it though....hmm I guess some "work" is more worthy than others, except I never read THAT in the code of the old Italian morality...
Gee, I left out the Roman Catholic Tammanyhouses....oh well, guess it's my bone to throw at the separation of church and state whiners...
Dear Mike,
I calculated based on last years taxes and my new assessment what the increase would be. I am looking at 34.75 for city general taxes.
This city needs more not less cops and I am glad some of the candidates see this.
If we are going to bring people back to this city to do business, shop, or live they must be protected.
Thanks for seeing it this way, and for adding your name to the petition!
Has any thought been given to how homeowners insurance rates will be affected by a reduction in a police force? Rates can be raised due to a rating established by insurance companies. Cities are evaluated by "risks" to homeowners and increased crime can be a byproduct of a reduced police force. It makes sense...less police on the beat the better chance for criminals to run amok. Vandalism, theft,and etc. We all know what happens to neighborhoods when gangs and crime move it.Property is devalued and any investment in your home becames almost non-existent with a low resale value.It is always the beginning of a downward spiral when police forces are decimated. I urge the council to seriously consider the consequences of reducing the police.
And get ready for the Nov.5 public hearing. Kind of ironic that in past public hearings regarding the budget the council members /mayor felt that the dialog with constituents might get "ugly" and perhaps it might be a good idea to have an officer on the premises. Can we spare one?
People, bear in mind the firemen DID NOT GIVE BACK THIER RAISE, they merely DEFERRED thier raise until the following year!! It is all smoke and mirrors designed by Sottile to force CSEA and Police unions back to table to reopen thier contracts. This plan will not work.Stay strong CSEA and Police, once you open up your contract, you will be doing it everytime the city is in trouble financially!
Very good thread. Maybe the focus shouldn't be on reducing the number of police [I am certainly not for that!] - but on making the police department (as a whole / in all respects) more cost efficient and pragmatic? If the police department could itself come up with ideas (from the inside out) on how this could be done - to perhaps present at the upcoming meeting - I think that would be pretty (in the best sense of the word) powerful.
yes people stay strong union tell that to the people who are losing thier jobs because the unions are so greedy csea (WHAT A JOKE)
I downloaded a copy of the budget, all 225 pages and 5:48 is correct. Did not see it eliminated, just "postponed" Also saw the big salaries of some people at the top!! Plus, in some cases $1000 was added to salary/budget due to "longevity" to certain individuals. what is that all about? Please explain.
Sottile and the "paid" fire department sold us up the river with their deal. If all other departments are getting lay-offs they should as well.
Sottile is not hiding behind clauses in contracts to save-face. Shame on you. By the way, 70% of the "paid" firemen live outside the city, they don't care about taxes being raised.
Boo on Sottile and the Union President Tiano and VP Dimler for putting a "positive" face on this that only they see. The taxpayer does not see it.
Mike: another reason for KAPA to return to the air- Met with one of the local officers who stopped my my home. We spoke for awhile and both Sue and I signed the petition as well as invited Sgt Maisch to appear on my local TV show- City & County. Hopefully the testing stage of the shows are concluded. The camera's are working and the audio soundboard is ready for you and the other producers to return to the air.
take care
Shelly Z
why is there no mention of the rec dept layoffs and what they will effect threw out the city it means no programs for our youth too keep them off our crime filled streets oh what a price too pay for no rec dept
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