Thursday, February 28, 2008


Yes, its finally here. The City wide property Reval!
GAR Associates outlined for Common Council members on Wednesday night in preparation of whats to come in the way of questions and concern.
Some properties will pay less, some more and some will see no change at all. The effort on behalf of the city is to make the burden on the taxpayer fair. Those of us who are paying less than our share of an equalized rate place the burden on those of us on limited income to fill. In the end, the revenue in the way of Taxes remains the same.

The city, with the help of GAR Associates will be providing workshops to help the public understand the process. The workshops are scheduled @ 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. on both March 6th and 11th in the Council chamber at City Hall. The event is for property owners to ask questions about their assessment notices. The city will have grievance hearings in the Millard Building next month.

Bob Senor was quoted in the Freeman saying "At first, the public might not understand and say, 'Oh my God, what's happening here?'" About the workshop sessions...Senor said. "There is so much they are going to get out of this to make them feel semi-comfortable.”
I agree with BOB.

This is a long time in the making and the attention to detail is the most important part of this process. I believe we made the right choice with GAR Associates and the public will surely come to the same conclusion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have to suspend your disbeleif in an educated constituency. We all know that anyone who doesnt eat and drink policy all day will freak out when they get their letter, and think the worst.

It may be good for tax purposes, but the masses will riot in the streets because they dont know any better.

It pays to stay awake in class.