So, I watched the Paul Ryan speech as he accepted the Nomination for Vice President. As the event started, I knew pretty much what he was going to say, but like everyone else, wanted to see how he would say it and how everyone reacted.
It's his standard points, true or false, that he has hitting since his VP announcement. In this setting, the crowd ate up those talking points like the last supper. For the rest of the TV audience, not so much.
The fact checkers have been working overtime this morning and if facts are something you find necessary in a campaign, you're going to listen to the reports. Or not.
Ryan told his misleading stories about Medicare, the stimulus, the unfortunate demise of his local auto plant, the US credit rating, Simpson-Bowles report and actually suggested they were looking to protect our most vulnerable. How many people in that stadium are either sceptical enough to research his rhetoric or perfectly willing to say whatever they want in order to take the White House?
What has been a running comment for two days is ow all of the main speakers at the convention have spent most of their time touting their own virtues rather than promote Bishop Willard Romney.
Let's see what the grand finally brings us.
Cartoon: The end
1 hour ago
I suspect the biggest story out of Tampa will be from the hookers and strip bars. Something hilariously unbecoming of these holier than thou morality gestapo troops will entertain us for months.
Oh boy, I didn't expect this. A "loving relationship" with a dying 14 year old boy? And how exactly do we characterize his youth outreach program as bishop? 14 year olds there too. 250+ private one on one sessions. Warren Jeffs was a devout LDS member who's serving time for his little sessions. You could see why he picked the shirtless beachbody guy. At least he isn't underage!
People have to be aware of Ryan's real record, and how he and his running mate are lying about the Obama record.
Just from the week of the convention, there are so many problems. The whole theme of the convention was a lie. "You built that" is, as we know by now, based on an out-of-context remark. Obama was pointing out the importance of the nation's infrastructure, and what we can accomplish when we all work for the common good. The Republicans know it, too, but Karl Rove learned at the knee of Lee Atwater, who learned from God knows where, that if you repeat a lie often enough, and loud enough...
But, do we also know, that for all of the Right's hatred of government stimulus, Paul Ryan's family made their fortune in the construction business? What made them their fortune? The biggest post-war stimulus of them all, the construction of the Eisenhower Interstate System, made the Ryan family rich. All that government money, all that infrastructure: No, Paul Ryan didn't build that, but his family, with the labor of thousands of others, did.
Another irony, if not outright hypocrisy, is that Paul Ryan's family was pretty well off when his father died. Paul, at age 16, was devastated. I would have been, too. But, Paul Ryan did take and cash those Social Security checks, even though he didn't need them to live. He invested the funds, and paid for college with them. So, it's easy to see that Ryan got his education and the beginnings of his own personal fortune from the government. This guy, who wants to cut all government spending by 90% (except for defense), has a real credibility problem.
He also said this past week that he grew up reading Ayn Rand, and that guides his life in public service. I wonder if he used one of those Social Security checks as a book mark. He might have, because even Ayn Rand took Social Security and Medicare.
I did not hear Ryan mention, even one time, that his hero's last published words were a condemnation of Ronald Reagan. Yet another thing I guess he forgot to mention.
I am guessing this won't be the last time you will have to point out the shortcomings of Paul Ryan or his friends. I hope you aren't susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome.
Andrew Champ-Doran
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