The Empire Zone modifications for Kingston/Ulster that the Council addressed will be on next week's agenda as well. The zones that are in-actionable are pulled and the areas that have potential for growth are added. I don't see resistance on this Local Law either.

When the meeting finally ended, my friend 5E got up and skuttled right out the opposite door. Most of the rest of us gathered elsewhere for a snack. Different group of people; similar habits. It's all good so long as we're doing the peoples work.
If Gerentine resumes the Chairmanship of the Legislature, after presiding over all that was evil in the last governing body, then the revised single member district race of 2011 will bounce back to the Dems. There's a limit to how much the voters can ignore.
I ask you, did you sense that the Dems are not going to do their job and phone it in?
Wadnola for Chair & ken Ronk for Majority Leader
ya heard it here 1st !!
Watch out that they don't delay the single member district race. Both sides won't mind an incumbency protection plan. Single member districts will lead to much greater accountability to the voters. Plus, in these dire times,with worker layoffs, the reduction to 23 will save the taxpayers money. The last agreement between both party bosses merely carved up the county protecting strong Democratic and Republican districts.
Mike, we progressives expect you to be on board for redistricting.
To bd/11:20.
hmmm..maybe that should be 4:20?)
No... we didn't hear it here first. That wet noodle Dick Cahill Jr. has the exact same topic on his blog today.
Perhaps you spent the summer at Medieval Times with him?
"What say you all?"
- I say he's a dolt.
Pete Healey said: So how is it that those prominent Democrats who endorsed Jim Quigley had no idea they were helping to kill Brian Cahill, and to some extent Gary Bischoff because of the Saugerties spillover, by doing so? I live twenty miles away and I could see if from my kitchen window!
Aiello would be terrific as Chairman! He only made 2 meetings last year and he was so good, the voters in Saugerties wanted him back. What an asset.
the best thing that happened Tuesday is that scumsucking Bischoff lost - what a waste he was,, & a nasty bastid too,
Terry Bernardo ain't much better, folks,, mean, selfish, way too ambitious for us,,,
beware,,, everything ain't as rosy as it seems
Pete Healey called it. Democrats crossed the line in Ulster and throughout the county. The legislators only want to protect their own asses. They didn't even want Postupack to be challenged affraid of being in tough races. Gutless wonders. Brian new Woerner was radioactive, Nickie didn't have a clue.
Congratulations again- Mike- it appears that this site is again attracting some negative vibes. Sad, that the election took some of the good guys away- but thats what democracy is all about.
Sometimes the good guys don't get the turn out necessary to win, but thas' an entirely different story.
The next few weeks should prove interesting. You gotcha job all set out for thee.
Lots of luck and stuff-
take care,
Shelly Z
So the legislature spent $70,000 to analyze the 2010 budget and nothing was really found. So who paid this $70,000 for this Accounting firm?
To 11:13AM--The Ulster County taxpayers paid for a private accountant firm to do an analysis on the 2010 budget to the tune of $70,000. They uncovered quite a few errors. Our key employees in the budget office and financial wizards in other departments (junior accountants, financial officers, deputy administrators, etc) who are responsibile for accounts receivable/payable were asleep at the wheel. What the heck are they getting a paycheck for? Sounds like 2011 is going to be bleaker.
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