Thursday, March 01, 2012


Happy Birthday Terry Bernardo! Tuesday night's party was held at the Hillside Manor in Kingston and attended by friends and fellow politicos from across the county with a special appearance by State Senator John Bonacic. 

This is the camaraderie that I thought was long gone. People from all philosophies were mixin it up while eating birthday cake. The drinks didn't hurt either. 


Anonymous said...

Amazing that a group with such divergent views can play together at a birthday party. Congrats Terry.

Anonymous said...

That's a little scary. Somebody has an attention issue?

Anonymous said...

As much as you beat up on the Republicans, how did you end up at such a conservative gathering?

Mike Madsen said...

1:24... On a local level, you'll find people are people. Sure there's the volley in leadership and theme of the agenda when either party is in control of a municipality of any size, but as far as the Republicans in that room that night...any one of them are more viable as the Republican Presidential nomination than the four knuckleheads we see on TV this season. Their concern for the betterment of the public is actually genuine. Which is more than we can say for Mitt, Newt, Ron and Ricky.