Friday, October 07, 2011


It's almost like watching an accident in slow motion. You see where something is going but you haven't the power to change the course of the inevitable. Well, I'd like to challenge that premiss. 

There are those of us on the Legislature who still believe the Legislative branch of the county government controls policy. Yes, that's what I said. Determining what future lies ahead for our county run nursing facility is strictly up to the law making body of Ulster County and a number of us continue to make that point clear at every opportunity.

Regardless of the decree that Executive Hein has offered the citizens of Ulster this week, we still have legislation pending that formally directs the administrative branch to designate funds toward renovation that was allocated in previous budgets. That's right. there is 45Million dollars through Capital Upgrade held specifically for Golden Hill. Coupled with the resolution reaffirming our dedication to providing quality health care to our most vulnerable, the Legislature is poised to circumvent the slash & burn actions of the Executive.
Never passing an opportunity to tout his all-star team of deputies and advisers, you'd think the 2012 budget would reveal some brilliant innovations to modify expenses and inject new revenue, but tapping the fund balance and unfunding Golden Hill is the best that they've come up with? Michael, I am stunned. And this capital bond for 8Million managed through your new LDC, with an advisory board made up of Beckman, Sudlow and Smith, all currently camped out in your office? Strikes me a peculiar. That collateral bond through a private issuer, will be at a higher rate than if you go through the Legislature, but then you'll never get it through the Legislature, will you? 
Does your 2012 budget account for the inflated negotiated rate? There's too much at stake for politics as usual.

This body has just a few months to really fix this. The tax cap aside, we are faced with collapsing infrastructure, inflated healthcare costs and the ever increasing wave of crime. Should the Legislature decide to over-ride the Governor's cap and increase taxes beyond his limit, it would be for the right reasons.

Shoulda had a 2% hike last year folks!


Anonymous said...

Jobs bill. Golden Hill is county owned infrastructure. Pass the bill.

Anonymous said...

Finally, a legislator who has woken up and seen the light, Hein is a disaster. The same complaints people had about Nick Woerner and what happened in Ulster, are going to be true in Ulster County .... in spades in the next year or two. Apparently, Hein has his sights set on something other than Ulster County and he will not be here to clean up the mess.

Our only hope is that the Legislature rises up, much like the people down on Wall St., and show Hein that the Legislature is an equal and not subservient to the Executive branch. Stand up to him and stop him on his road to fulfill the visions of grandeur he has of himself. As Jeanette said, no one elected a King.

Anonymous said...

Write in for someone else for Exec. Show this prick that people are sick of him.

Anonymous said...

Golden Hill is just another victim of this teaparty economic assault on our nation. Drug treatment, elder care and soon education, the theme is the same. A terroristic plot to bleed dry the middle-class and inflict violent crime upon our neighborhoods to advance a pro-theocratic dark age. Anybody ask Iran about their plan? Anybody even notice? Fight back against the cause of this and stop infighting about the effects. Golden Hill is just a symptom of an underlying disease. The jobs bill is our penicillin. Direct your anger to a useful purpose instead of buying into a self-fulfilling syndrome. Ahmadinijead is laughing his ass off. Time to focus and cure.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, get rid of Hein by not voting? Screw up our lives more by letting more heartless pyschopaths ruin our county? The alternative to streamlining government under democratic control is armageddon. At least by creatively framing our needs in a do or die ultimatum, we have the choice of saving services. With the other methods of either cutting off cold or forcing fiscal failure by abdication the damage is irreparable. Creating need is the best method to legislating fulfillment of those needs. Ever struggle to open a sticky swollen wood drawer? You pull one side, then the other. Sometimes when it's stuck you have to push one side back in a little. You never give up getting it open. The time to herd cats is upon us and napalm gets them running is one direction. Rhetorically speaking of course.

Anonymous said...

11:13 who?

Anonymous said...

Mike you are correct in the fact the legislature creates policy according to the charter. This legislature has failed to create policy or do anything. So I don't blame the executive for taking the bull by the horns and doing something.You can only blame yourself

Anonymous said...

Hein and his numbers crunchers had a plan in place way before this budget process. He's probably got that signed agreement tucked away waiting for the right moment to seal the deal. He's what everyone wanted, even Provenzano thought "our Mikey" could walk on water. Glad to see she has changed her tune, but a little late. What took so long?

Anonymous said...

Hey look at the "values " summit and don't question the "plan" that you're obsessing over. The seniors are safe with Mexicans rehabbing.

Anonymous said...

THIS is why the Working Families Party didnt give Hein the endorsement. They knew damn well what he was capable of. All he did was prove their suspicions right.

Anonymous said...

Heil Heintler! Creepy isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Wait you forgot forced sterilization, mandatory organic foods, universal healthcare, and work camps for the fatties.

Anonymous said...

I hope the legislature saves the Consumer Fraud Bureau! Hard to believe he would want to get rid of it. At this rate, the only ones left will be the small army on the sixth floor!