If you had noticed, many of the local papers have been speculating on the future of one of our US Representatives here in the upper Hudson Valley. Kirsten Gillibrand has been a media focus ever since Hillary was rumored to be picked as Secretary of State in the Obama cabinet.
Clinton’s departure leaves a tremendous void to be filled by someone just as dynamic. Could Kirsten achieve such a role?
Asked about speculation that she could be picked to succeed Clinton, Gillibrand replied: “That’s for the governor to decide.”
Indeed it is. I made this the base of a prior Blog Post with the focus on the joy of Clinton in the White House, but we really do have to consider, what does Gov. Dave think is the best option; something that helps the state and our economy? Or an appointment that better insures his re-election?
I have to point out, Gillibrand also said she would also like to see high-speed rail or light rail in the Hudson Valley. This sounds like she studied the DelaroseToSenate website. That was one of Larry’s babies.
Keep your schedule open Kirsten.
Clinton’s departure leaves a tremendous void to be filled by someone just as dynamic. Could Kirsten achieve such a role?
Asked about speculation that she could be picked to succeed Clinton, Gillibrand replied: “That’s for the governor to decide.”

Gillibrand said she plans to advocate for investment in middle-class tax cuts, noting that property taxes are too high mostly due to unfunded mandates at the federal level as well as promote targeted tax credits for college tuition and early childhood education.
Quoted in the Freeman article: Kirsten will increase attention to infrastructure; roads, bridges, sewer and water systems, high-speed Internet access in rural areas and health-care information technology. She has also gotten health-care IT money for Columbia Memorial Hospital in Hudson because “mistakes are the biggest costs in health care.”

Gillibrand has some well thought out views on alternative energy production and speaks openly against the super corporate bailouts that the Fed has been touting, so she may have enough spine after all.
If Dave were to appoint Kirsten to the Junior Senator seat, she may do New Yorkers just as much good as Chuck and Hillary have.
Keep your schedule open Kirsten.